miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2015

A dibujar en marzo: taller itinerante

About the workshops
The proposal consists of three modules or workshops to be held for 3 weekends.
Participants can choose to enroll in one of the modules or take the full course.
The course is designed to meet the basic needs of an urban artist.
The first and second module are basic for all participants, no previous experience is required. The third module is intended for artists with intermediate experience.

How to set a point of view
Location: Lincoln Road
March 27-29
Workshop description:
One of the biggest challenges in a sketch is the drawing's composition. The balance and harmony between shapes and objects are vital.
To achieve the harmonious composition we are looking for we need to know to establish interesting points of views.
The essence of the composition is that all parties should be in a particular place or position and play the role that corresponds favoring them all.
It is almost impossible to prescribe specific rules that allow someone to compose. However, there are simple laws that guide available for an artist manages to be able to create an interesting composition
We will develop the basics to create engaging and thoughtful compositions, starting with thumbnail type schemes. (Frame-work-­figure­-ground, composition and management, framing from the point of view, background vs foreground, an unusual point of view)
Learning goals:
  • The participant can create harmonious compositions in their sketch
  • Be able to know how to use the compositional tools and apply them to their drawings on location
  • You can make sketch with novel and interesting points of view

Maximum number of participants: 35 (all levels of experience)
Minimum number of participants: 15 (Workshop is cancelled unless this number of participants signs up)
Supply list
We do not need a very sophisticated but only that with which you feel comfortable. Basically a feather ballpoint pen of ink, 2B, 4B and 8B pencils and a set of watercolors. Also colored pencils if you prefer
Sponsorship: Stillman & Birn One sketchbook (Gamma Series for all medias) per participant

How to draw entourage in watercolors
Location: South Beach (Beach side park- Art Deco)
April  3-5

Workshop description:
This module focuses on the art of watercolor and especially in working the organic aspect of urban sketch: vegetation, water, integrated into the city landscape, people and architecture style.
It is important to know how to build a sketch and make it alive by integrating the above organic elements. The cities are not empty, have life, color and energy. So we will work with watercolors and learn how to draw these elements quickly and conveniently.
On the other hand, develop exercises where we apply the technique of the 3 colors, creating interesting harmonies without having to record each color found on the site.
The location chosen consists of two components: the beach, the sea, with its palm trees characteristics, people and houses. And the urban area of Art Deco architecture its interesting to working the architecture style and details.
Learning goals:
  • You can draw a sketch level organic elements in various techniques, especially watercolor
  • You will be able to integrate these elements into an urban scene
  • You can draw an urban scene from organic elements.
  • Work on the basics of color and the intelligent use of pallets.
  • You can draw architectural details using Art Decó like reference
Workshop location
South Beach (Beach side park- Art Deco)
Maximum number of participants: 35 (all levels of experience)
Minimum number of participants: 15 (Workshop is cancelled unless this number of participants signs up)
Supply list
We do not need a very sophisticated but only that with which you feel comfortable. Basically a feather ballpoint pen of ink, 2B, 4B and 8B pencils and
A good set of watercolors. Paper to watercolor, block or sketchbook. We need some extra paper to develop the first exercise. Brush for watercolor, 10 to 12.

How to draw with non waterproof ink and watercolors
Location: New World Symphony
April  10-12


Workshop description:
Pens with non-waterproof ink can be an interesting and essential to dominate when we do sketching. Often it is believed that we should use permanent ink before the watercolor, however, non-waterproof ink enhance the richness of the work and can create very interesting artistic effects.
• The line softens and avoids hardness and rigidity.
• Produce fluency and freshness in the drawings.
• When using fine-tipped pens can we control the outflow of ink and avoid losing our
• The tone of the ink (slightly purple, depending on the type of ink) creates a special
• We can simply use water to produce depth or contrast in our work without other
• We work with graphics (stripes and patterns) in combination with stains (water
• Can be used variety of ink colors (brown, blue, black) to recreate special
• This technique is recommended for stroke atmosphere when it makes contact with watercolor. color. touches or watercolor) atmospheres.
o quick sketches and expressive (only need pen and brush with water)
o Mid drawings preparation (when working with limited watercolor palette, using
between one and even three colors) and
o complex drawings (using a watercolor palette beyond)
Workshop location
New World Symphony (Frank Gehry)
Learning goals:
The Participants:
• Will acquire the skill to control the dynamic ink line when applying water or watercolor.
• Will use the dynamic ink to enhance the contrast and recreate the atmosphere of the site.
• Apply this technique in a quick sketch and ink with water only, the second using two or three colors and a third drawing more complex.

Maximun number of participants: 35 (intermedium of experience)
Minimum number of participants: 15 (Workshop is cancelled unless this number of participants signs up)
Supplie list
  • Pen Rotring Art Pen F, Lamy F or similar.
  • Ink black, brown or blue. (or all three)
  • Paper notebook that supports watercolor, but with little roughness. Rather a  bit smoother. The Stillman & Birn sketchbook is especially functional for both ink and watercolor washes.
  • Fibre Marker water supportable 0.1 and 0.2Brush water.
  • Watercolors Set

Workshop Schedule M1, M2 and M3
Meeting point
General welcome, Introduction and groups and Presentation and first exercise 60 min
  • Introduction, theory and demonstration of the technique 20 min
  • Working indoor
  • Exhibition, group feedback and final closure
On location
  • Introduction to the site. Historical and visual tour and Approach
  • Theory and demonstration of the technique
  • Exercise 1 and 2
  • Exhibition, group feedback and final closure 15 min
Meeting point
General presentation. Explanation, How to draw.
On location
  • Exercise 1, 2 and 3
  • Feedback and expo
Meeting point
Theory and demonstration of the technique to the final day
On location
In location Exercise 1, 2 and 3
Meeting point
Final feedback and expo

Sponsorship: Stillman & Birn One sketchbook (Gamma Series for all medias) per participant in all of the 3 modules.
Registration fee: US$285 per module. Online registration or bank transfer.
If you prefer to do all of the Sketch-it-On: Miami workshops pay 2x1 (US$500 for 3 workshops)
Contact: c.cardenas@sketchiton.com
C. (561) 294 0798
Cancellation Policy:
All fees are fully refundable if cancelled prior to:
16 March 2015 (M1),23 March 2015(M2) and  30 March 2015(M3).
If you cancelled after:
16 March (M1), 23 March 2015 (M1), 30 March a $120.00 USD cancellation fee will be retained.
The event will take place with a minimum of 15 participants. In case of cancellation 100% of the payment made will be refunded.

About the instructor:
Mexican-born architect and educator currently teaching at the School of Architecture of the University of Buenos Aires. He is the founder and director of Taller Perspective, and also taught at the Society of Architects and other professional associations. He has taught in Mexico City, Lisbon-Portugal, Barcelona-Spain, Bogotá-Col, Santiago de Chile, Paraty-Brazil, Argentina and Singapure (july 2015)
Recently the Fundacio Enric Miralles invited him to collaborate with their academic interchange in the experimental workshops at 2014-15 in Barcelona, Spain and in the program of posgrado in the Faculty of Architecture in the UBA Buenos Aires, Argentina.
He specializes in the architecture design (analog-digital media) and concept drawings for the advertising industry.
Dorantes’ work has been recognized in several competitions in architecture and drawing. His works are in exhibited in Mexico, Spain, Portugal, Chile and Argentina.

“I have been professor since 1988. I taught perspective, watercolours and representation techniques at the National University of Mexico and in the University Motolinia Pedregal in Mexico city between 1988-1993 (out door and indoor classes).
At present my teaching experience is focused on the architectural projects in the University of Buenos Aires and drawing by hand, in societies of architects and in my own workshop Taller Perspectiva http://tallerperspectiva.blogspot.com/
I teach drawing on-site in courses and outdoor workshops, such "en plein air" (historical lecture and workshop drawings) http://www.wix.com/tallerperspectiva/enpleinair
In my workshops attended by professionals and students of architecture, interior design, set designers, publishers and artists in general”

Event coordinator:
Although Climaco Cardenas brings more than 25 years of Design experience in the fields of Architecture, Urban, Interior and production design to Sketch-it-on, his Postgraduate Studies in the University of Pennsylvania in Architecture and City Planning formed him as an urban scholar, researcher and thinker at heart.  Climaco states: “Cities and Urban settlements are the physical expressions of cultural, political, economic, environmental and artistic intentions, ambitions and desires of the human creative power over time. The City must be studied historically and experienced and detailed through observation, analysis and drawing.”
He will be responsible for the tour and historical information of the city and locations visited during the workshops. As well as facilitating all event details on the ground in Miami.
Climaco currently works in his own practice Metrika Design, located in Palm Beach Florida. An architecture and planning firm working in the residential, urban, commercial and event production space. In the past, Climaco worked for the City Planning Department of Bogota as assistant to the director and was consultant to the Local government of the City of Cota for an Industrial Zone. In working with the Coffee Federation in Colombia as Technical Coordinator he managed the Taller de las Americas for famed Barcelona architect Ricardo Bofill.
He is fluent in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

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Inferno slot were designed and developed by Novomatic casino software developer, a company who has a decent catalog of retro-themed slots. Inferno slot are about as simple as they come because there are only 5 paylines and little of real interest when it comes to additional features or bonus games. The positive side of this is that you could win a decent amount when the fruits do fall in your favor. For instance, lining up five cherries on a pay line will multiply the total bet by 40x.More info: https://skillminegames.com/inferno-slots-free-fun-slot-games/

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Sara dijo...

Navient is one of the nation’s largest student loan servicers ranked highest in terms of student loan complaints. In 2018, the CFRB received 4032 complaints submitted from student loan borrowers. In this page, we will describe the ways how to get student loan forgiveness for Navient borrowers via Devry loan forgiveness program.
For more information visit the page: https://studentloansresolved.com/2019/02/21/navient-lawsuit-devry-loan-forgiveness/

Anónimo dijo...

However, a lot of significantly, I’ll explain however you’ll qualify for an entire loan discharge by filing a Borrower’s Defense to compensation claim against Devry University Student Loan, as well as telling what Borrower’s Defense is, however it works, and what you’ll need to enlighten get your discharge approved.
Please don’t fall for the trick of acceptive the small payment has already sent get in response to their Devry university settlement with the independent agency, because you’ll be obtaining such a lot a lot of from a successful Devry Borrower Defense Against compensation Application.
For more information visit the page: https://studentloansresolved.com/2019/03/20/devry-university-lawsuit-discharge/

Anónimo dijo...

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Anónimo dijo...

This program operates below the Federal Government’s long-existing Closed School Loan Discharge Program, that permits students to possess their debt forgiven if the college finishes off before they were able to complete their degree, and Closed college Discharges are often used for ANY college (not simply ITT Tech). However, if you’re eligible for the ITT Loan Forgiveness Program, then you’d higher act quickly as a result of there’s a definite risk that President Trump`s Student Loan Plans might cancel this profit, therefore get your forgiveness requests recently!

For more information visit the page: https://studentloansresolved.com/2019/01/11/closure-of-itt-tech-institutes-student-loan-forgiveness/

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Anónimo dijo...

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Sara dijo...

Itt tech former students is one of the most effective ways to eliminate your student loans in 2019. The discharge program is rarely known and used among the borrowers, and it creates a chance for you to get rid of your loans. The fact here is you need to take into account that the program is only applied for federal student loans.
For more information visit the page: https://studentloansresolved.com/2019/01/11/closure-of-itt-tech-institutes-student-loan-forgiveness/

Anónimo dijo...

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Minecraft live stream is a 3D sandbox game that has no specific goals to accomplish, allowing players a large amount of freedom in choosing how to play the game. However, there is an achievement system. Gameplay is in the first-person perspective by default, but players have the option for third-person perspective. The game world is composed of rough 3D objects—mainly cubes and fluids, and commonly called "blocks"—representing various materials, such as dirt, stone, ores, tree trunks, water, and lava.
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Currently, debt has become a standard part of life. This case happens in many forms, including credit card debt, medical bills, car loans, mortgage loans, credit cards and the worst of them, student loan. It’s part of life for almost all of us, doesn’t matter you are rich or poor, but what we know is it is necessary. The question of how to get out of average student loan debt remains, especially in an era of crisis. Borrowing student loan doesn’t depend on your behavior. I

Sara dijo...

University of phoenix lawsuit is one of the most effective ways to eliminate your student loans in 2019. The discharge program is rarely known and used among the borrowers, and it creates a chance for you to get rid of your loans. The fact here is you need to take into account that the program is only applied for federal student loans.
For more information visit the page: https://studentloansresolved.com/university-phoenix-student-loan-forgiveness/

Anónimo dijo...

DO NOT file a Borrower’s Defense to compensation Application anyplace ELSE, as a result of anyone else assembling your data via an internet kind, or perhaps over the phone, could also be trying to trick you during a common university of phoenix loan forgiveness Scam.The federal has been cracking down on Forgiveness Scams recently. However, there are still thousands of individuals out there trying to take advantage of cash from desperate student loan borrowers.More info: https://studentloansresolved.com/university-phoenix-student-loan-forgiveness/

Anónimo dijo...

So, as mentioned above, Netent games offers lots of services related to online casino gaming. For example, slots are some of them. For instance, the Beanstalk, Startburst, Mega Fortune, Hall of Gods are some of them. The company develop online and internet cafe games with different types of graphics and designs. But unfortunately, not all of these games are available for every casino. There are some slots and casino games which were developed for specific casinos.More info: https://vegas-x.net/2019/04/netent-casino-games-popular/

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Fortnite’s building systems are what set it apart from other battle royale games, and players are embracing the new fortnite cringe due to how quickly it gives you materials for farming. The harvestable materials are doubled in this new mode, which makes it much easier to build more walls and structures in each round.Just played a few rounds before matchmaking broke,” one player wrote on Reddit. “Having the freedom to build like wild is so fun.More info: https://omlet.gg/story/eyJhIjoiWFFNRjNOUDVOUTZMUVk0UjNBQkUiLCJpZCI6IlhGeDBGV0RDMnZ1SkJheW4iLCJ0IjoiUmljaCJ9

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Anónimo dijo...

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